Jesse Budel
Works featured in Solastalgia: an antidote at Fabrik Arts and Heritage, Lobethal 2020
Grand piano harp, transducer, amplifier, audio interface, hydrophone, soil and sapling 2020
“Using local scorched earth from the recent fires, the soundscape of a regenerating soil ecosystem is made audible through a process of transduction to the harp of a colonial grand piano, alongside recordings of bird life and wind susurrations of native trees.
The soil was sourced from a Lobethal site which had not burnt for forty years. Stimulated by the fire, a carpet of the bright orange, sponge-like fungus Pyronema Omphalodes has appeared. A succession of other fire dependant fungi vital in the regenerative process will follow.”
Jesse Budel
Image: Sam Oster
For more information on Jesse’s work, visit: http://www.jesse-budel.com